Dr. Michael J. Murray from the John Templeton Foundation paid a visit to Tabah Foundation in Abu Dhabi, where he was received by Tabah’s General Director Al Habib Ali Aljifri and met with Tabah’s senior managers. Dr. Murray has been given an overview of the Foundation, its vision and key goals and the ongoing projects especially at the Research Department, in which he expressed his interest in finding ways of collaboration between the two foundations.
Dr. Michael J. Murray is vice president, philosophy and theology at the John Templeton Foundation, responsible for creating research initiatives that engage big questions in these fields and their intersection with the sciences.
Established in 1987 in Philadelphia, USA, The John Templeton Foundation serves as a philanthropic catalyst for discoveries relating to the Big Questions of human purpose and ultimate reality. It supports research on subjects ranging from complexity, evolution, and infinity to creativity, forgiveness, love, and free will. It encourages civil, informed dialogue among scientists, philosophers, and theologians and between such experts and the public at large, for the purposes of definitional clarity and new insights.